Powerful.           Disruptive.            Engaging.

tumblr seo company vancouver bcFacebook, Twitter, Google Plus - these are SEO’s optimized trinity, connecting marketers to steady conversions and steadier sales. Every month they deliver billions of keyword searches and hashtag hits. None can deny their importance.

None can also deny, however, that the trinity has reached maximum social saturation - and SEO content needs new channels to maintain its appeal. We suggest Tumblr.

This blogging network - which began in 2007 - has proven popular with consumers, especially those in the critical 18 to 25 demographic. Its easy interfacing and fluid grid ensures fast content creation, and this makes it ideal for desktop and mobile strategies alike.

Consider these statistics, as provided by Unwrapping Tumblr:

Global rank among websites: 31st.
Monthly post rate: 2.5 billion
Monthly blog creation rate: 3.9 million
Monthly unique visitor rate (U.S. only): 36.8 million
Global trend index score: 85 out of 100

These stats prove the value - and viability - of Tumblr. The site delivers high-volume posting, allowing for social SEO domination. Add it to your network rotation to increase your targeting.

To learn more about social SEO contact Webstager today.

twitter seo company vancouver bcIn the world of SMS platforming Twitter reigns supreme - delivering micro-blog messages to over 500 million users and generating a series of trends, tags and indexable moments. This network distinguishes itself from the competition through open source interfacing and byte-sized formats. It’s become a SEO necessity.

If content is posted at the wrong time, however, it becomes a SEO dead-zone.

When launching a Twitter strategy, users must understand that all posts are not created equal. Some will rise among the ranks, while others will instead become lost in the media crowd - and it’s often because of scheduling. Learn when to sync content to ensure greater exposure and higher CTRs.

Consider these suggestions, as provided by BufferApp:

Weekdays deliver +14% B2B engagements.

Weekends produce +4% B2C engagements.

Afternoon posts (particularly those centered around 5:00 p.m.) generate 6% of all total retweets, yielding the best results.

Afternoon posts (particularly those at noon and 6:00 p.m) generate the highest spikes in click-throughs.

Understand both the type of content - B2B or B2C - that’s to be posted and how it applies to the Twitter timeline. This will improve results for all social SEO strategies.

To learn more contact us today.

social seo company vancouver bcThe value of SEO is measured not in immediate SERPs but in extended loyalty. Optimizing content has the ability to create, and cultivate, long-term relationships - with consumers connecting to brands through blogs, videos, forum posts and, of course, social networks.

Networks allow brands to bridge the gap between conversations and conversions. Through marketing companies can inspire consumer trust, which develops into tangible relationships. Consider these statistics, as provided by Convince and Convert:

66% of users (ages 18 to 24) who follow companies on networks will remain loyal to those companies.

60% of users (ages 25 to 34) who follow companies on networks will remain loyal to those companies.

53% of users (35 to 44) who follow companies on networks will remain loyal to those companies.

This proves a strong correlation between social SEO and brand popularity, with key demographics staying true to companies throughout the years. This delivers high sales and powerful rankings - and who couldn’t benefit from both of those?

To learn more about social SEO contact Webstager today.

twitter seo company vancouver  bcIn 2006 Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass joined forces for a social experiment - introducing the world to limited character interactions and SMS styling. The foursome launched Twitter and changed the online landscape forever, clearing direct paths to the SEO peaks.

Since its arrival Twitter has become an undeniable force in SEO, creating powerhouse trends and connecting directly to consumers. It’s a staple of every strategy.

Understanding which demographics most respond to those strategies, however, is crucial to their successes. Specific users flock to this network. Learn who they are to improve marketing.

According to the Pew Research Center, the typical adult profile of Twitter is:

White, Non-Hispanic: 21%
Black, Non-Hispanic: 27%
Hispanic: 25%

18 to 29: 37%
30 to 49: 25%
50 to 64: 12%
65 and Older: 10%

Urban: 25%
Suburban: 23%
Rural: 17%

By identifying which demographics most frequently log-on to Twitter, SEO creators can tailor their marketing tactics and restructure their accounts - allowing for optimized sales and stronger branding.

To learn more about social SEO contact Webstager.

twitter seo company vancouver bcAn image is worth a thousand words and on Twitter - where the character limits are meager and the headlines are short - this proves all too crucial.

Since its arrival in 2006 Twitter has become a social phenomenon, delivering optimized opportunities for every marketer. Its micro-formatting, along with easy indexing, makes it perfect for SEO. Those wishing to further improve their efforts, however, must add an image to every post.

According to Jeff Bullas, an online advertising firm, tweets with images receive:

18% more click-throughs.
89% more favorites.
150% more retweets.

These statistics showcase the impact of imagery in SEO, with users drawn to compelling photos. This allows content to flourish on networks, improving social authorities and enhancing brands.

A simple picture can yield many rewards.

To learn more about syncing images to Twitter - as well as other social SEO strategies - contact Webstager today.

google plus seo company vancouver bcToo often is Google Plus dismissed. Since arriving in 2011, this network has been routinely (and unfairly) compared to Facebook and Twitter, with critics undermining its unique design and considering it a rare company mistake. It’s never gained the social power - or presence - of its competitors, and it’s never earned a pop culture ranking.

It has, however, achieved a place among SEO creators... if they choose to embrace it.

Google Plus proves perfect for optimization, connecting writers and marketers alike to an engine-centric platform. Consider these statistics, as provided by Expanded Ramblings:

There are currently 500 million monthly active members on Google Plus.

64% of those users post B2B and SEO content.

29% of Google Plus visitors are in the Generation Z demographic.

28% of Google Plus visitors are in the Millennial demographic.

23% of Google Plus visitors are in the Generation X demographic.

Google Plus represents 3% of the total North American social sharing, 4% of the total European social sharing and 2% of the total Asian social sharing: making it a steady influencer on international SEO.

These statistics prove the value of this network, highlighting both its key demographics and its global appeal. Through consistent, relevant postings individuals can achieve SEO success - particularly on the Google engine itself, with all content indexed quickly and social posts pushed through SERPs.

To learn more about Google Plus contact Webstager today! 

linkedin seo company vancouver bcIn 2003 LinkedIn arrived on the social scene, introducing the world to business-centric content. Unlike its competitors - which focused on casual networking and image pinning - this platform delivered a flurry of job postings, brand pages and employment profiles. It was intended to redefine the hiring process.

That intention recently shifted toward niche SEO domination.

LinkedIn has become a marketing mecca, connecting users to optimized content and endless B2B opportunities. Consider these statistics, as provided by Main Street Host:

LinkedIn’s active membership count, as of 2015, exceeds 300 million.

LinkedIn delivers more website traffic leads than any other social platform.

LinkedIn generates more B2B leads than any other social platform.

LinkedIn ranks as the top distributor for optimized B2B content.

LinkedIn members report increased sales, with 50% of consumers more likely to purchase from sites with these accounts.

These stats prove the importance of LinkedIn, with the community channeling SEO into highly specific - and highly profitable - results. It’s the ultimate social media experience for brands.

To learn more about this network contact Webstager today!

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