The last day of the 2010 Winter Olympics. We are all anticipating another gold medal today and the lights on the floating barge in Coal Harbour to be lit up again.
It seems like the games have only just began, yet so much went on in such a short time frame that like a dream it might have been a lifetime.
There never seemed to be a shortage of people going back and fourth in Yaletown though and the creative ways us understated Canadians rose to the occasion to show our support for our country and our athletes.
Downtown Vancouver is going to be alive early this morning as fans line up to pass through the heavy security when Canada faces off against the United States in hockey at noon today PST to see who is going to win gold.
We are going to be live in Yaletown repositioning our live webcams to get the best angle for viewing.
It was pretty amazing to be involved in a very small way with the 2010 Olympics by sharing live images to people that couldn't make it here to Vancouver.
I am wondering how the city is going to be after all of this, it seems like many don't want the party to ever end.
Bar "Mixlympics" happening today at George Lounge in Yaletown today!!
(across the street from Yahoo Funcover)
6 international Bartenders, 4 local black box competitors.
NBC will be filming the competitions!
You can view the action real time via web cam via one of the 3 hi res web cams operating 24 X 7 as we broadcast live to the planet. We are now the top 2 web cam spot on
I have been in and out of the city using the various forms of transportation.
Vancouver is full of spirit and there are tons of things going on! You can have a beer while traveling light... You can visit the Tin Girl that is all over the news and watch her in awe. Then there are the crowds. And the crowds... and the crowds.. And somehow the hole they cut in the fence to see the flame isn't quite doing it for me...
And I don't think I'd want to stand for 6 hours in this line just to hold an Olympic Medal - but hats off to everyone that does.
But I did get to see a former Olympic US Gymnastic Champion interviewing another 2010 champion at Yahoo.
.., and I learned today that our web cams are the top 2 of the most trafficed web cam site on across from Yahoo's Vancouver location...
... and since NBC is filming live - the Bartender Games and we are steaming the action live Sunday - it's an action packed Sunday at the 2010 Olympic Games!!!
The city is alive with a sea of International sports fans. The Olympics seems to me to attract the best of the best in athletes, but the best of the best of various country supporters as well.
As we made our way around the city the crowds were alive with supporters taking in the sights and entertainment venues that Vancouver has to offer. Live City - an entertainment portal where major sponsors show off the newest of new technology.
There are some crazy cool home theatre technologies being shown by Panasonic.
We decided to take a walk across the Cambie bridge, the city looks like its growing up with all the high rises and all the security.
The Russians have taken over what is normally science world, now some Russian message outside, Vancouver security is patrolling the waterways as I learned that every building has a shift of snipers during the entire 2010 games guarding the Olympic Village.
That reminds me, we saw the vehicles, the many vehicles lined up waiting to spring into action when the sports event happens.
At City Hall, workers have been working for months on this new concrete area welcoming visitors to the games. The view was awesome!
Just got back from the torch passing by all the action in Yaletown. The crowds were crazy as the torch passed by George's. It was an even crazier line up situation outside Vancouver's Live City. Live City is a tent city featuring significant sponsors of the 2010 Olympics. Coke is there with a 100' screen for watching the events. the latest in computers from Acer. They are featuring Hi Res large screen touch screen computers that I want!
Panasonic is showing off and some really cool 3D HI Def Flat screen Home Theatre that is so life like that you think you are there live.
Will be going live with the new WebStager over the course of the next few weeks. We added a suite of sound bytes which we incorporated into each java slide screen shot --- all 7 screens have full sound bytes               Â
Troops and planeloads of food and medicine streamed into Haiti Thursday to aid a traumatized nation still rattled by aftershocks from the catastrophic earthquake that flattened homes and government buildings and buried countless people. The Haitian Red Cross said it believed 45,000 to 50,000 people had died and 3 million more -- one third of Haiti's population -- were hurt or left homeless by the major 7.0 magnitude quake that hit its impoverished capital on Tuesday.
American Red Cross Releases $10 Million to Help Haiti
Priority needs are food, water, shelter, medical help
With estimates that as many as three million people may be affected by the catastrophic earthquake which hit Haiti Tuesday, the American Red Cross is releasing an additional $9 million for earthquake relief, bringing its total commitment so far to $10 million to support relief efforts in Haiti.
Priority needs in Haiti are food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support. Thousands of local Red Cross volunteers are aiding their fellow Haitians. American Red Cross Disaster management specialists are scheduled to arrive today from the United States, Peru and Mexico to join local Red Cross staff already on the ground in the disaster zone. As soon as airports begin accepting relief shipments, tarps, hygiene items and cooking sets for approximately 5,000 families will come from the Red Cross Canada
WebStager will be broadcasting shortly on our involvement with the Sporting Event here in Vancouver over the next month. We are installing some high rez. outdoor cameras in a heavily athlete populated area. You can watch all the 2010 winter coverage and other visitors and athletes. We will also be broadcasting real time online for this venue. You can sign up if you want to be part of this exciting coverage & be alerted when we go "live" with the hi rez. webcam coverage for the 'sporting event' -- click on WebStager`s contact form
Here is the start of the new re design for WebStager we are going to go live once we get the finishing touches in conjunct with the install of the the `3` high resolution web cameras for the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. We are going to be showcasing the online graphics that we have been working on for the last year, combined with the online broadcasting platform that gets your site to the top of all the search engines within minutes.I am going to add sound bites to the re design. You will see Razor ( Bear image ) roaring and various other elemental sound bytes. I am going to change the color of the webstager logo and have the logo in a really cool flash treatment that pops and moves when you mouse over it. Should be exciting when it all comes together and we go `live`` exciting times ahead for WebStager. We are going to install a state of the art newly developed flash web treatment.