Powerful.           Disruptive.            Engaging.

IPhone blend

(Posted on Apr 21, 2010 at 03:30AM )
For all of you that want to figure out how to integrate iPhone into mainstream Internet and all things cool - check this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg1ckCkm8YI

Create a moment - change the world

(Posted on Apr 9, 2010 at 11:03PM )
I love this video. One 'crazy guy' man creates an event by taking a social risk. A shirtless guy dances like no one is watching - and has a profound impact on the crowd.

I remember back at school dances. Its one of the best 2 minute films dealing with human nature I've seen in a long time.

Enjoy this - its too funny!


NEW WebStager about to go live ENVOYJET

(Posted on Mar 20, 2010 at 12:45AM )
We are about to go live with our new Client ENVOYJET     webstager.20100319175308.e.jpg

here is the start to one of our recent clients ENVOYJET The owner of ENVOYJET  is a senior pilot for Cathay Pacific Airlines



NEW WebStager goes LIVE

(Posted on Mar 20, 2010 at 12:38AM )
WebStager gets a whole new look. We have lots more case studies to be added shortly. We have collected some new clients in the US and other parts of  Canada. We have added some really cool sound bytes per flash image on the home ( splash ) page.

Smart Phone Growth Rate To Surpass Laptops

(Posted on Mar 18, 2010 at 12:30AM )
The rate of growth of smart phones is destine to overtake regular computers - as early as 2012 analysts are predicting.

Wow. It seems like just yesterday I got a hold of my first Ericsson digital phone, then was given a Blackberry by the VP of Telus for a large consulting project I was conducting for the BC Government. He told me when I looked strangely at this seemingly antiquated piece of equipment that once I tried it, I wouldn't want to give it back.

He was right! I've been hooked on smart phones since.

Now a lot of the traditional manufacturers like Intel and Microsoft are getting into more the mobile game. Intel is trying again after a failed attempt while Microsoft has recently unveiled a new mobile version of Windows.

Pretty soon young people will be saying to their parents; "What was it like not having full Internet access and being able to enjoy a true Internet experience on your smart phone?"                                

James Cameron - Hurt Locker - Best Film - Only In America

(Posted on Mar 8, 2010 at 05:20AM )
I just sat through the 82nd Academy Awards and listened to America's version of what they feel is popular on a global scale.

I think I must have been in an episode of 'The Fringe' - and stuck in the others parallel universe where there were no other films!

While the Academy  threw a few crumbs to foreign films and made their own black vs white more 'carmelized' by awarding Sandra Bullock an award for best actress - The Hurt Locker for best film!

Give me a break - no wait -  a shot of adrenaline I have for allergic reactions might revive me more than the film when I was watching it for the first time (and last I might add)

I waited for this film to come to DVD. Then when I watched it - I was falling a sleep for the first 1/2 an hour just itching to pull it out of my DVD player. Then it sort of got to you. Some black dude, some red neck drunk and some bombs some sort of story.

The entire film could have been over in 1/2 and hour!

Avatar - hmm - highest grossing film ever. Captured the global attention of billions. Many people went to the film time and time again. Better still they have a vision of it in their minds - young and old.

I wonder if the Academy folks still use DC power in their homes for the telegraph machines they use to send their messages back and fourth between one another.

James Cameron was totally robbed...                                         

etalk at the Oscars LIVE

(Posted on Mar 8, 2010 at 12:21AM )
Etalk LIVE in Los Angeles for the 2010 Oscar Awards   . Predictions are the Hurt Locker or Precious. Interesting that Avatar doesn't seem to be on the horizon. With the event just starting, it should be a fun filled night or entertainment and surprise.



(Posted on Mar 7, 2010 at 11:57PM )
LIVE in Los Angeles it's the 2010 Oscar Red Carpet Waltz. So far everyone looks really old Hollywood. I am hoping  that James Cameron ( go Canada go ) wins for the brillant Avatar.
Go Canada Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     

Time Lapse Images Fans & Winning Goal Canada US Olympic Gold

(Posted on Mar 2, 2010 at 03:27AM )
Yesterday our team arrived early at our Yaletown location to host the last days of our broadcast with the 3 live IP cams we've been broadcasting live to the planet 24X7 for the entire length of the 2010 Olympics.

Some times weren't so exciting - like when no one was around - yet the Vancouver Police were way interested the night after we installed them and 'no one was around'.

Yahoo - our across the street neighbors had just moved in with all their gear. Thieves drove up in the wee hours of the AM, smashed the windows and cleaned the entire place out! Vancouver's finest wanted our images of the time period when 'nothing was happening'.

Fans came and went - but the most exciting was yesterday by far. Crowds were gathered at some places since 7AM as we made our way to Yaletown.

Even thought it was early, since the game was at noon - the city was a buzz.  People were everywhere!

On the Canada Line, we have to push our way in complete with our computer and camera equipment - then push our way out again when we arrived.

We captured every second of the game in hi res format all the while being transmitted to our Internet sites while a world could watch. When we were reviewing some of the stored images this AM, we thought the rest of the planet may way to relive the moment that the winning goal was made!

Click the image to view the time lapse film!                                  

We've summed up the winning time frame in time lapsed images from our web cam site.          


Post Hockey Game Reactions, Go 61! Go Canada!!!

(Posted on Mar 1, 2010 at 09:18PM )
Following yesterdays game downtown Vancouver was crazy with positive energy following the win.

We were driving around in our classic XK 150 Jaguar - the same series of racing cars that won the Le Mans 24 hours during the Le Mans 24 hour races back in the late '50s - putting Jaguar on the map for world race cars.

People were going crazy while getting their pics taken.

Vancouver Police controlling crowds outside of The Cactus Club - Yaletown.

People having fun heading to the celebrations.

Going across Granville Bridge - post Canada US hockey game.

Everyone celebrating.

More reactions!

Go '61!
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