Powerful.           Disruptive.            Engaging.

The Young Olympians National Track & Field Event

The Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships serve as introductions to Canada’s future Olympians. Talented athletes come from across the country, participating in a grueling series of heats, heptathlons and octathlons. This is more than a mere sporting event, however. It also fosters community pride - with boys and girls representing both themselves and their provinces


To increase awareness of the Legion Nationals Webstager employed multiple strategies:

Custom website

Private member ecosystem, search, member only content access and communication

Optimized member services (including private profiles, blogs and image galleries)

Real-time events broadcasting

Creation and management of social accounts (including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest)

Creation of special applications (including integrated photo streams and live hash-tag rolls)

Video production

After the event we produced a documentary style series of videos on our success:


Client Testimonial

The Youth Track and Field Championships bring together Canada’s finest athletes. We wanted a website that would do the same. Webstager and One Big Broadcast made that happen.

They built a custom platform, integrating our marketing (photos, event schedules, press releases) and our sportscasting (blogging, image galleries, videos) into a central hub. We could create and publish information with the push of a button.

Special applications were also created. These include the hash-tag roll (which searches for game-related tags online and syncs them to our site), the member index (which compiles every athlete’s on-site profile into a searchable database) and the Event Schedule (an interactive calendar).

What makes the platform truly unique, though, is how it connects everyone. Our site is now fully automated, with all content linked to the social hot-spots: like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. We’ve received more online coverage than ever before!

To further promote the games the team at One Big Broadcast even provided real-time content. They utilized live blogging, videos and photo uploads during every event with the utmost of success.

Young Olympians - A National Event
YO Social Casting Blog Gallery
Live Hashtag App
YO Athelete Search
YO Photos