As part of our ongoing goals of simplifying the process of automated Internet Marketing, we've implemented an optional feature to update blog updates to your Twitter and Facebook account.
You can set your login credentials in the settings. Each time a new blog entry is posted it will automatically generate a 140 status update and post it to your twitter account. If there are any authentication or other errors it will alert the user.
Also, in the new sidebar when viewing blogs it will show a list of all of the latest twitter updates.
What other people know about you is your brand. Usually it's a cool logo, a useful product or some sitcky commercial. Brands are all around us and the ones with the most exposure are the ones that stand out. What about if no one know anything about your great brand or tell you your look is old and dated? You need better brand awareness.
It's now potentially possible to reach millions of readers and become the voice of thousands using an array of new communications methods. There are so many mediums, so many choices, it's hard to know what is going to produce results. A while back it was Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC), then MySpace, now it's Facebook and other social media outlets. Lets not forget Email Marketing and Online Press Releases.Today Blogging is all powerful, now, MicroBlogging sites like Twitter are all of a sudden popular and predicted to take over many facits of Digital Marketing.
WebStager specializes in getting the most from these mediums to create the most traffic to your site. We've even developed our own technologies that amplify all of our online traffic attracting processes. Why not talk to us about your goals.
Read thorough some of the Digital Marketing processes that we use to drive more traffic to websites - be it our own Social Networking Platform in the Green space called - Theme - or our client companies:
Social Networking and Social Media Platforms
With Social Media and Social Networking used by just about everyone, getting the attention your brand needs can only benefit from Social Networking and the various the Social Media services and platforms. It's now possible with all these powerful networks for companies to literally speak to millions of people via social networking and social media platforms. It is now possible with all these powerful networks for
companies to literally speak to millions of people and utilizing WebStager's 'write once and publish everywhere' application tools and platforms, manage the process with minimal effort.
If the chances are something is written about your company on some social networking site, social media platform, blog or what ever - taking charge of your brand starts here. At WebStager, we've been developing social networking platforms and social media applications for a long time. We even operate several of our own member based social networking platforms in the travel and Green Themed areas with 10's of thousands of members. We are able to use our own member platforms that are customized to suite any client's needs as staging grounds for our own social networking and social media development. The point is, we are very passionate about this technology and can quickly determine the right fit in the sea of social for you!
What ever your requirements, we can help you define and implement a productive social networking or social media strategy.
Online Press ReleasesSince PressReleases arepowerful marketing and advertising mediums, there couldn't be a better of a way to add this tool to aid in promoting Brand Awareness.
Did you know that Press Releases are the MOST powerful marketing and advertising on the planet? In our experience, online press releases
combined with email marketing can create a huge surge of traffic. We'd say that press releases are a big part of getting noticed. Combine
Online Press Releases with a press distribution system and you have got a serious media engine capable of delivering a huge surge in business! We figured this out years ago providing online press release services for client companies. We discovered that our manual efforts resulted in
huge increases in online positioning via search engine with a single online press release production. That's when the light came on for us. If our manual efforts at producing press releases (which were mostly repetitive except the content) was effective, if we enhanced our processes and integrated them into our own social networking platforms and social media applications, that would result in a serious platform to attract online exposure.
Talk to us about getting your news automated online.
Creative, Fun Interactive Email Campaigns
The 'Inbox' is still 'the' number one online application. Email marketing, if managed properly still attracts significant traffic. No one pays attention to poor attempts at email campaigns (newsletters) any longer. People want to see fun, interactive, well thought out & relevant email campaigns. Segregating clients email lists into categories of what that customer wants to be alerted is the new eMail marketing code. Customers want to feel that you are personally attending to their individual needs. Gone are the days when email campaigns are so broad stroked that there is no individualization, or personalization. Creating a forward to others with a call to an incentive or promo will definitely get your campaign forwarded from the original sender. Planned properly, well executed campaigns can enhance your SEO efforts and be a keystone in your Digital Marketing efforts.
We have a lot of expertise in Email Marketing plus our own server technology. Ask us how we can help.
SMS Mobile Marketing
In the next few years you will see more & more businesses using SMS (short messaging service, or text messages) marketing initiates & establishing a more cozy one to one relationship with their consumers. Theory is that while your customer base is out & about shopping, or on the road retailers will see the need to send SMS campaigns to your PDA's to let you know why they should come into shop. Last minute sales, promos and just arrived. We are ahead of the curve in this area. Our Social Networking platforms are SMS enabled, plus our Blogs, micro Blogs and IMGY galleries all have SMS Mobile messaging applications already built into them!
Mobile is definitely here to stay.
Funny as it may seem but everyone loves a contest or promotion. Combined with email campaigns these types of activities can create huge traffic. We've build lots of quirky online contests like our 'What's Your Chinese Horoscope' which was combined with a cosmetics web site's products and generated online sales as part of the campaign. Bricks and mortar locations often experience surges in in store traffic. If a contest or online promotion is designed properly it will enhance your search rankings (SEO) or create a viral following like our Grizzly Bear project and our 'What's Your Bear Personality?'
Ask us to show you some campaign examples.
SEO, Search Engine Optimization
There are now more than one billion people online daily & all looking for something. As more and more people get online, search engines are becoming more and more popular. Other than email, search engines are the second most used application on the Internet. These days when people want to learn about something of find out more about a company, they 'Google' them. Search has become the Internet's second most used application (the 'Inbox' is number 1). Most people don' go past the 1st or 2nd page when they type in a keyword or key phrase (what they are looking for) when searching for something online. By optimizing the content & link exchange profile on your web site the search engines will see you as 'relevant & useful' which will translate to more people seeing you online. We have developed an automated SEO processes that takes all the work out of old school methodologies of search engine optimization. One click & your web content automatically spiders the search engines.
Let us show you.
PPC, or Pay Per Click Advertising
PPC are the paid ads that businesses run & they show up on the right hand column (sponsored links) they also show up at the top of the search engines organic listing with a shaded blue or mustard colored background. PPC allows you to control & advertise where your brand or business will show up. A properly run PPC campaign run in any search engine will get you placed ahead of your competition & allows you to get your web presence seen when someone searches for what you have to offer. This requires careful timing, popular keywords that consumers type in & ads that are carefully & wisely created. This, in turn, will increase traffic to your web site.
Creating A Potent Brand Awareness
To generate a strong & sticky online awareness you have to implement many facets to your business. Social networking platforms that are customized, email campaigns, SMS campaigns, automated SEO application, strong & potent graphic and visual art, relevant & searched for web content, properly formatted web sites, interactive mediums that get & keep people interested in your web offering.
Create a reason to keep them coming back.
Blogs, Micro Blogs
Blogs are becoming all the rage and they are an important part of your Digital Marketing strategy. Search engines like what they call original and changing content, and bloggers certainly fill that bill. Search engines also like links to other sites, the more sites that link to your site (from sites that are in similar of complementary businesses) the better and results in better search positioning. Since blogs are a combination of all of these, the more popular blogs are rewarded with higher search recognition. Micro blog sites like Twitter have taken off even more. A short news clip with broadcasting technology to all your friends each time you make an entry while Twitter's widgets deliver news feeds o designated web properties.
At WebStager, we've developed our own Blog, Mirco Blog and Widget technology focused on enhancing a company's social media marketing efforts. We can help you identify the aspects of your social media that are important, then help you implement a program that works. Ask us.
IMGY Galleries & Widgets
Try our location based Imaging app and you'll forever view images and personal galleries in a different light!
Micro Blogging and Widget Applications are revolutionizing the ways creative companies are delivering their message. IMGY is our own location based personal gallery fused with Micro Blog technology. This cleaver application is packed with Digital Marketing tools and captures a number of techniques to deliver your rich media message - or simply create your own location based personal galleries for your customer base to receive updates as you load images.
Take a test drive and create your own IMGY!
After all the same store sales plunges, consumer spending pullbacks,
profit nosedives and pricing collapses, one of the few the most
positive image of 2008 can be found in a swirling picture of snow set
against an iPhone screen and a big red bullseye. With Target, Amazon,
and The Gap leading the way, the past two weeks has definitely put
mobile applications on the retail agenda to stay.
The Key to Great Online Advertising Results.
Fun is definitely ÔÇÿin' as the formula for fruitful campaigns.
Making fau part of your own online strategy most definitely spells success.