Our prediction is that smart companies are going to build their online presences even more to engage their user base and generate additional revenue. Here are some things to consider:
-À Even though consumers are spending less, surveys say people are keeping their cell phones and Internet - which means there will be even more people online.
-À Online Internet usage is surging. Last count over 149 million web properties and close to 1.5 billion users. Expect even more as the reality of a tight economy takes firmer hold.
-À Social Media and online interactivity is now a buzz word ÔÇÿmust have' for every web site.
-À Email or the ÔÇÿinbox' is still the largest used Internet application.
-À Email marketing campaigns if designed and run properly have shown significant returns and revenue increase.
-À Smart marketing companies (like WebStager) are now starting to integrate the email marketing with unique database and social media
applications for even more profit potential.
-À The US Presidential Election was historical indeed for many reasons - one of them in creating an environment that social media was acknowledged as the single factor for the campaign's resounding success.
-À The Democratic campaign's focused use of social media elements resulted in a grass roots movement and record money being raised online.
-À Social media and interactivity are now mainstream and must have for every web property, according to just about every news outlet that
analyzed the reasons for the success.
-À The Internet is evolving as a powerful force for any business these days as traditional advertising methods are becoming obsolete making way for a more engaging and profitable medium.
Traditional advertising formulas - the 4 ÔÇÿP's - product, price, place and promotion - the once keystones of any advertising and promotion campaign from a 1960's era of marketing are now dead. There are new terms evolving defining online success - now referred to as the ÔÇÿ5 C's'.
The Internet has opened up an entirely new realm of instant marketing and collaborative communities. New instant metrics are defining online success.
1, Clicks Now, search engines are delivering users to sites based on their page rank and position in search engines based on the phrases people
key into search engines.
An entirely new science has evolved in the effort to get sites to the top of these search gods. The fate of millions of dollars in online revenue may be at stake prompting companies to look closely to search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization & Internet Marketing fall into this realm in an effort to attract all important traffic.
2. Commerce While one part of the Internet is measuring traffic or clicks to a site, automation tools are increasingly playing an important part. Ecommerce delivers the ability to sell online while engaging communities that are already customers in meaningful ways (like email marketing) are proving invaluable in delivering results in record online sales.
For companies with bricks and mortar, engaging online communities properly results in increased retail ÔÇÿinstore' traffic. Once thought as a fluke
is now documented fact adding to the value of a well managed email marketing campaigns generate collaboration, commerce, clicks and
3. Community & 4. Collaboration Recently the value of community and collaboration technologies have revealed themselves as part of the mystery of online presence. Social media sites are proving their signifigance while niche communities even in specialty products are proving invaluable in helping generating revenue. Allowing users to share and exchange their ideas, experiences, both positive and negative are increasing sales as people respond to a balanced perspective. WebStager builds custom community and collaboration technologies.
5. Content In order to keep users engaged in a web property plus keep pace with the constant shift of the search engines, We are now seeing rich media such as video, images and even applications WebStager has developed as a fusion of the popular Google Maps with image placement, collaboration and community.
Other technologies adding the overall mix called the new Internet are given the name Web 2.0. Web 2.0 allows us the flexibility to create, exchange and share information in more ways than ever before.
The reality of all this interactivity is that there are more opportunities than ever before to attract online traffic.
For creative and innovative publishers that are looking to use this powerful medium to set themselves apart by defining their space online,
WebStager's NewsTools are for you!