Powerful.           Disruptive.            Engaging.

google serps seoSpeed defines today’s online consumers. Gratification must be instant; answers must be immediate; and every website must entertain and inform. There’s no time spared for anything less than perfect.

And this is why those with high SERPs receive high sales.

Search engine results pages (SERPs) reflect a site’s relevance, with web crawlers ranking overall content, design and meta-tagging. Optimized entries are rewarded with top positions and greater search saturation. Weak entries are, conversely, sent to the bottom of the proverbial pile.

It’s no surprise, therefore, that the highest SERPs generate the best performances. Users choose the first available options, leaving everything else behind in a flurry of clicks and closed tabs.

Consider this survey by Chitika - a noted online ad network and media consultant - that analyzes Google’s traffic patterns:

1st Ranking: 32.5% of traffic
2nd Ranking: 17.6% of traffic
3rd Ranking: 11.4% of traffic
4th Ranking: 8.1% of traffic
5th Ranking: 6.1% of traffic
6th Ranking: 4.4% of traffic
7th Ranking: 3.5% of traffic
8th Ranking: 3.1% of traffic
9th Ranking: 2.6% of traffic
10th Ranking: 2.4% of traffic

The disparity between these SERPs is shocking. It also proves that users are less likely to seek out buried content, relying instead on results that are easily accessed and easily seen.

Webstager can provide both. Our services propel sites to the front pages of all major engines and networks. Thorough tireless content creation and optimized branding we help our customers achieve the rankings they deserve.

Contact us to learn more about the importance of SERPs.

google maps seo company vancouver bcLocal content is powerful content.

Targeting key demographics requires more than stellar service and innovative products. Local SEO techniques are also needed, sending geo-infused signals across the web. These signals - which combine tags, optimized URLs and directory affiliations - prove appealing to engines and social networks alike. 

No local SEO strategy is truly complete, however, without an embedded mapping application. These applications spark high SERPS, interacting directly with crawlers and responding to specific keywords. They generate traffic and offer essential site support.

Out of the countless mapping programs available, none proves more popular than Google Maps - and, thanks to a recent system expansion, none proves more relevant.

According to Next Power Up, Google Maps has added 20 countries to its index, allowing companies across the world to seek out local readers. These countries include:

Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago

Google Maps is redefining local SEO, providing precise marketing and better traffic flow. 

Contact Webstager to learn more.

Facebook search marketing vancouver bcIn 2004 the world changed. Mark Zuckerberg - along with fellow Harvard students Chris Hughes, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Eduardo Saverin - launched a networking service that allowed users to effortlessly connect. It was called Facebook and it quickly rose through the engines, becoming a social powerhouse and a pop-culture phenomenon.

A decade hasn't tamed this online beast. Millions of users still flock to it every day, relying on it for news and communication - and Vancouver search marketing companies are starting to take notice.

According to a recent Zephoria survey, Facebook has become one of the most important sources of search marketing because:

As of 2014 there are 1.32 billion users on Facebook.

829 million users log-in to the site daily, bringing increased marketing opportunities and consistent targeting.

The most common age demographic is 25 to 34 (which is the target audience of many online services and products).

4.75 billion pieces of content are shared there daily, with consumers fueling marketing campaigns and promoting local links.

One in five page views lead to Facebook, with users seeking out information through business profiles, videos and images.

This proves that social networking is no longer just for everyday hashtags and picture sharing. It’s instead the center of search marketing - and Webstager is ready to take advantage of it.

Contact us today to learn more about the power of Facebook.

search marketing company vancouver bcOnline consumers are adventurers - carefully navigating the world of marketing, dodging irrelevant content, slogging through back-links and inventory pages. They seek out optimized treasures buried in the network sands.

And companies providing maps to those treasures will reap the benefits... as long as search marketing is used.

Guiding the right traffic to the right site is no easy task. Companies can no longer rely on stellar products to succeed. They must instead employ search marketing techniques.

What are these techniques? According to a recent analysis by Matt Ackley, a noted contributor to Search Engine Land, the most popular methods used by North American marketing companies are:

Search Targeting (meta tagging and link building): 84%

Site Targeting (optimized local profiles and GEO-cached content): 80%

Social Targeting (Facebook accounts or Twitter feeds): 47%

Mobile Targeting (responsive design and downloadable apps): 32%

These are all worthwhile methods - which is why Webstager has been taking advantage of them since our inception. We’ve transformed search marketing, blending local SEO and automated content for powerful results. With our integrated system we’ve connected key audiences to every site, saturating the Internet with information that's both optimized and engaging.

Let us develop a search marketing strategy for you. We’ll target the demographics that matter most and we’ll build brand recognition among all media channels (including engines, social networks and indexes). 

X marks the spot for social success!

Contact us to learn more.

mobile seo vancouver bcContent, keywords, analytics: these were once the defining traits of Vancouver's SEO scene. Blogs were stuffed with trendy tags, shoved onto the Internet and examined for their traffic patterns. It was a proven strategy.

It was never, however, the only strategy. Alternative technologies were always available and recent data proves that one of these technologies is gaining ground on the slippery SEO slope: optimized site displays.

According to Search Engine Land, 81% of all companies have transformed their displays. Websites are being converted into multiple digital formats, including mobile and tablet. This creates more accessible information, targeting key demographics with responsive sales channels, broadcast blogs and streaming feeds. It serves as a direct connection point between readers and content - and this translates to better traffic and better profits.

Webstager embraced this change long ago. We understood the importance of multi-medium displays, and we recognized how smartphone technology would eventually lead to new opportunities. Our responsive formatting has allowed us to create dynamic sites for the modern consumer.

And it seems that 81% of our fellow Vancouver digital marketing companies are finally doing the same.

To learn more about mobile design contact Webstager today!

No Credit Mom won't give you a loan Key West Ford will...

(Posted on Nov 1, 2010 at 12:39AM )
New West Ford Canada's largest inventory of used cars in all of Canada.


Serving the NEW WESTMINSTER area, Key West Ford, located at 301 Stewardson Way in NEW WESTMINSTER, BC, is your premier retailer of new and used Ford vehicles. Our dedicated sales staff and top-trained technicians are here to make your auto shopping experience fun, easy and financially advantageous. Please utilize our various online resources and allow our excellent network of people to put you in your ideal car, truck or SUV today!
Hear What Our Customers Have to Say

 Key West Ford is proud to be part of a heritage of more than 100 year of manufacturing, selling and servicing new and used Ford cars, trucks, minivans, crossovers and SUV's. Of course we also sell other brand used cars, trucks, minivans, crossovers and SUV's from a diverse source of manufactures including used (pre-owned) Nissan, Toyota, Subaru, GM, Chrysler, Kia, Dodge, Jeep, Infiniti, Acura, Chevrolet, Saturn, Mazda, Lincoln, Hummer, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Harley Davidson, Hyundai, Volvo and Volkswagen to name a few.
Key West Ford
301 Stewardson Way NEW WESTMINSTER, BC V3M 2A5
Sales call 1 877 623 4006
Service call 1 866 980 1052
Parts 604 520 3047

The Heavy Live on Letterman WOW

(Posted on Oct 29, 2010 at 05:04PM )
on David Letterman.    

Okay, now here is a band that you can actually stand up and get excited about. PURE raw talent from the United Kingdom.

I am so totally in love with these guys. These guys bring me back to Fine Young Cannibals! Rock on Rock hard. I predict these guys are going to sweep the globe and conquer!

David was so blown away he asked them to do an ENCORE. Dave was giddy like a little kid after their performance.
The audience was so totally blown away it was crazy.
LOVE to you The Heavy! keep it coming we want MORE and MORE.

iPad Arrives - Cool Platform

(Posted on Jun 22, 2010 at 11:21PM )
Fed Ex delivered the newest 3G 64 gig IPad today - ahead of the development tools and accessories we ordered.

All I can say is - this device is amazing and awesome combined (thanks 'bachelorettes' Jillian (my neighbour) from last year and what's her name from this year for the descriptive words).

What made an impression on me was the size - or lack of it. The device is running at about the size of a baseball cap yet it's highly functional and easy to use. While I wait for delivery of the 3G SIM card, I managed to connect to my WiFi network with ease. Running through the Internet - I must say it is a shame that Apple can't put their ego away and allow the support of Flash. Puts me in mind of a little kid in the play ground refusing to give up his pager that he's had all of his like while all the other kids are surfing the web on their smart phones.

At least Safari supports HTML 5 - although I did find some bugs with this Safari Mobile that Apple still has to fix.

Never the less - the iPad is waaaaaay cool. Our development team is waiting with baited breath now that they've heard I've received mine. We've got some way cool GPS based apps ready to load and try on this truly game changing device.

Apple does it again.

British Car Show Grows Each Year

(Posted on Jun 3, 2010 at 04:13AM )
A couple weeks back the WebStager Team braved the cold and what looked like rainy weather to attend the All British Car Show at Vancouver's Van Dusen Gardens.

We arrived late and were told that even though we had our registration that we may not be able to get in because of the record crowd and turn out of Jaguars. At the 50th birthday of Jaguar's popular E Type - the turn out was huge. My poor XK
150  - the model before (and winner of many Le Mans races) the cigar shaped E Type may not get in!

Needless to say after a couple tense moments wondering - we were escorted into the grounds and guided into our parking spot beside other cars in the XK line.

The day was great. We snapped pics, We twetted our friends and set up a new spot on 4 Square. My Facebook page was alive with content from the show - and show lovers stopped by to swap stories of how these cars made an impression on their lives at some point.

Most fun was to connect with the rest of the people that had an appreciation of design elements and performance of these British automobiles while having an appreciation of the little things one has to put up owning and driving them just to keep them on the road.

Web Cam Moments

(Posted on Apr 21, 2010 at 03:59AM )
Four webcams are now live watching the live activities of the volcanoes. Interesting how such a small country's geology can ultimately change the entire landscape of the planet as we know it. http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-fimmvorduhalsi/

Traffic is high but you are front and center if this is a prelude to 2012!
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