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mobile seo vancouver bcContent, keywords, analytics: these were once the defining traits of Vancouver's SEO scene. Blogs were stuffed with trendy tags, shoved onto the Internet and examined for their traffic patterns. It was a proven strategy.

It was never, however, the only strategy. Alternative technologies were always available and recent data proves that one of these technologies is gaining ground on the slippery SEO slope: optimized site displays.

According to Search Engine Land, 81% of all companies have transformed their displays. Websites are being converted into multiple digital formats, including mobile and tablet. This creates more accessible information, targeting key demographics with responsive sales channels, broadcast blogs and streaming feeds. It serves as a direct connection point between readers and content - and this translates to better traffic and better profits.

Webstager embraced this change long ago. We understood the importance of multi-medium displays, and we recognized how smartphone technology would eventually lead to new opportunities. Our responsive formatting has allowed us to create dynamic sites for the modern consumer.

And it seems that 81% of our fellow Vancouver digital marketing companies are finally doing the same.

To learn more about mobile design contact Webstager today!

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