Powerful.           Disruptive.            Engaging.

Green Technology East Coast

(Posted on Sep 16, 2009 at 12:21AM )
Still here on the east coast of Canada. There is a huge appetite for green tech products here - especially in the marine side of the business.

Kanye West MTV Outburst

(Posted on Sep 14, 2009 at 09:50PM )
Was Kanye West a jerk for interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards? See Our Facebook Poll!

Did anyone see Kanye West jump up and grab the mic form 17 year old Taylor Swift while she accepted an award for BEST FEMALE VIDEO?!!!

It takes social media to straighten these kinds of people out.

Nice to hear that security threw him and his girlfriend out.

An apology is just an excuse - as I am sure the instant back lash from Twitter and Facebook pages forces him to. Apology or not, in my mind and over 44,000 of the other people who took a recent poll -  West's
actions were just WRONG!!!


Was Kanye West a jerk for interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards?

Yes  44,268 (93.1%)

No  1,568 (3.3%)

What are you talking about?  1,710 (3.6%)

Meeting with Ambassatours

(Posted on Sep 3, 2009 at 05:15PM )
Gary Powell discusses tour and transportation programs for 2010 for tours in Atlantic Canada.

Ambassatours hosts Atlantic Canada holiday adventures that are sure to be a high point in your travels.

Peggy's Cove - known the world over for it's raw beauty.

Twitter Governs It's API

(Posted on Aug 10, 2009 at 04:06AM )

For the last few months I've been spoiled using my own technology to update various Social platforms.


By programming our own Social Media Marketing platform - ThemeGreen.com - a social networking engine with fabulous apps - all my favorite social spots like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Bedo, Linkedin, etc are all updated each and every time I craft a blog. The beauty is just one single blog entry can update all my 'social spots'...

Parallel with that effort - any one carrying my news feed code was immediately updated - like the news feeds on my own corporate site - ThemeGreen plus my Green Energy watch portal - Plutonic Energy.

Before creating all these wonderful time saving apps and processes, it was a total time drain updating all my social spots - often getting interrupted and then not finding the time or forgetting to update half of them. Now it's simply write once, publish everywhere. At the click of a button all my social media spots are updated (along with email or SMS updates, widget updates, news feeds, RSS and a bunch of other SEO type processes - remembering it is a SEO and social engine).

Reality struck this week as hackers from who knows where around the planet unleashed a DDOS attack against my fav 2 sites - Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook seems to have rebuffed the attacks quite well - while Twitter is still having problems.

One of their bloggers today is reporting their API's are being blocked while they attempt to remedy the issue.

The reality of not having my blog update to Twitter is all encompassing for all out ThemeGreen users. Hopefully they solve their issues soon so I can again bath in the warmth of knowing that I only have to blog in one spot and all my other spots are taken care of.

Isn't technology grand!



Giant Jellyfish and Giant Squid Invade and Attack:

(Posted on Jul 20, 2009 at 05:54AM )
Article on CNN - Giant Jellyfish invade Sea of Japan - amazing and horrific.

Is this a Harbinger of man's own selfish acts against sea creatures that is going to spawn the end of our species?


Here are the highlights of the article (with my observations):

Japanese fishermen brace for giant jellyfish.

Massive creatures, traveling in packs and up to 450 lbs are being channeled by ocean currents into the Sea of Japan - causing potential economic devastation for entire communities.

The jellyfish destroy fishermen's nets, getting trapped in them, tearing holes and ruining catches.

Fishermen often use expensive mazelike nets that stretch for hundreds of kilometers. When swarms of giant jellyfish tear them, the result is devastating.

My Observation - so let me get this right. For years the International Community has been up in arms about nets that span 100's of kilometers. They are called DRIFT NETS. They are responsible for killing hundreds, perhaps thousands of species - including dolphins, sea turtles and sharks - the oceans top predator - and most likely the species that keeps creatures like this in check.

Let's switch gears and talk about another new event - Giant Squid. Are there parallels between giant jellyfish and giant squid invading California waters, washing up on shore and attacking divers?

Have the ocean's top predators numbers dropped so much that our oceans are being taken over by even more invasive and ravenous predators - like Giant Squid?

Just last week thousands of giant squid showed up along California's coast, attacking divers.


Before I saw this news event I had heard of giant squid possibly responsible for the reduction of wild salmon in our oceans.

We are in discussions about a made for TV on wild Grizzlies on the western coast Canada. These creatures feed on wild salmon whose numbers are in decline. Last year saw the worst wild salmon run on BC's west coast almost in record. People are wondering what is happening to wild salmon and why they aren't returning in the numbers they once did. The Grizzlies are hungry!

One of the production company's we are in discussions with thinks they have the answer. Giant Squid! They recently finished a documentary of
these giant squid. The theory is that their natural predator to these Giant Squid is ALSO sharks and other large predatory fish. Over fishing by Asian cultures for shark fins, tuna and other creatures has left a void in keeping these creatures in check. Their documentary shows these ravenous squid tearing salmon to pieces in the open ocean. No wonder the returning stocks are in decline.

If all the drift nets and ravenous killing of these creatures for their fins in the Asian dishes has put their species in peril - then are all these strange and monstrous creatures filling the void and taking their place? Are the Giant Jellyfish another spin off of this activity really caused by man after all?

My question would be are the Japanese villages that engage in Drift Net activity not getting back the rewards of the seeds that they planted a long time ago?

With advances in technology and the Internet, we are living in an ever changing planet that we can all now take responsibility for in real time and actually make a difference by spreading the word far and wide.

Car Coffee Cup Computer Stand

(Posted on Jul 15, 2009 at 05:33AM )
What a Totally Green and RedNeck Way To Use PVC Pipe In This Recession! 

Alerted by one of my Facebook friends - but everyone on my list needs to see this!

Mass Collaboration Will Effect Us All

(Posted on Jul 7, 2009 at 01:06AM )
The Power Of Mass Collaboration:

Some people say, like this YouTube video say there is an online revolution happening all around us as our society is starting to develop new tools. As new tools evolve - society evolves and fosters new behaviors...

Think about it - more people are now able to speak and connect to more people - even those that they don't know - faster and better than ever before in history!

With all of these social sites and collaborative properties, we have the tools to say more things to more people than ever before - and that is growing enormously.

We now have tools to do massive things - even define radical change and start influencing decision makers - we are all just now learning how to use them.

Ironically it's the technology tools and platform that we've been developing within our Theme Green platform for now close to 5 years.  Write once - publish everywhere!

This YouTube Video is both compelling and profound in the growing trend of Mass Collaboration!


ThemeGreen Upgrades

(Posted on Jul 6, 2009 at 03:13AM )
Major upgrades to team, applications and strategy:


announcing our latest custom cms!

(Posted on Jul 1, 2009 at 12:27AM )
Our team just finished up Terra Centric Adventures CMS platform.

Terra Centric are and adventure tour company located in beautiful Lund British Columbia, Canada - the gateway to the Desolation Sound and arguably
one of the most scenic places on the planet!

These guys are living a constant post card. Their business is taking people on tours of the area - some so memorable that they are sought after by adventure seeking Europeans or Japanese tourists that have largly heard of the by word of mouth.

"This is truly one of the places you want to 'put on your list"; says Steven Arsenault. CEO of WebStager.com.

"We wanted to build a platform that truly reflected the magical beauty of the area while allowing their staff the ease of updates. Since we are constantly developing social media platforms and social media tools, we were really excited to integrate things like our IMGY 'GPS" galleries into their platform.

Image you are traveling here from Germany. You want to immediately share your images, the location you shot the image, comment and collaborate with your friends and family back home.

With our integration of Terra Centric's platform, they can. Users upload their images. Once click and all their spots - Twitter, Facebook - even their Outlook contacts are alerted of the updates!"

Terra Centric requested a "very" simple CMS back end data system. It took the entire staff a very short time to learn & navigate. We hear from so many clients that their current back end user system is so hard to navigate & figure out, that most times they get lost & won't go in and make necessary changes to their website.

Our head programmer came up with a super dead easy back end admin door that allows clients to quickly & easily make any changes, upgrades, or uploads to their existing website without having to stress themselves out!

This also saves the client time & money, since they don't have to call upon us to go in & make changes every time they need changes made to their website.

There are 2 innovations to this CMS driven system that make it an integral part of their Search Strategy.

1. We build a special search app allowing Terra Centric to optimize their site. If we used Google's search - it would serve up competitors info as well as their own.
2. Staff have access to ALL images, including header images. They are avid photographers in that part of the world, so they can update their header images without coming back to us.

Other important integrations:

The gallery we built for them - awesome and they can display and feature almost any image size!

Our social platforms are now integrated into Terra Centric's platform.

Our Theme Green social membership and broadcasting platform enhances Terra Centric's goal of getting to the top of search engines - and lit up on all social spots.

Their Theme Green membership has built in Facebook apps, broadcasting tools that light up their Twitter and Facebook spots, plus any other social platform on the Internet.

Terra Centric can now focus on their adventure tour business while their new web property takes care of their Social Image!

Overall we are very proud of this build!

Michael Jackson and Farrah the same day

(Posted on Jun 26, 2009 at 02:51AM )
I remember talking about encounters with Michael while staying at my friend's home in LA and looking at the pics on his wall he took of Farrah pre star on a skate board shoot back in the '80's.

Things were way different in those days. Strange that I am now in that age group to remember the private stories about just 'people' who touched our lives. Now they are gone and we're seeing them for the last time on major media.

It's going to be a real jolt when one of The Stones passes...since my LA friend  traveled with them for close to a year and we got back stage passes for the years into the '90's they were on tour!

God rest the souls of the recently departed - and a reason for us all to live well while we are living - we are all dead for a very long time...

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