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google serps seoSpeed defines today’s online consumers. Gratification must be instant; answers must be immediate; and every website must entertain and inform. There’s no time spared for anything less than perfect.

And this is why those with high SERPs receive high sales.

Search engine results pages (SERPs) reflect a site’s relevance, with web crawlers ranking overall content, design and meta-tagging. Optimized entries are rewarded with top positions and greater search saturation. Weak entries are, conversely, sent to the bottom of the proverbial pile.

It’s no surprise, therefore, that the highest SERPs generate the best performances. Users choose the first available options, leaving everything else behind in a flurry of clicks and closed tabs.

Consider this survey by Chitika - a noted online ad network and media consultant - that analyzes Google’s traffic patterns:

1st Ranking: 32.5% of traffic
2nd Ranking: 17.6% of traffic
3rd Ranking: 11.4% of traffic
4th Ranking: 8.1% of traffic
5th Ranking: 6.1% of traffic
6th Ranking: 4.4% of traffic
7th Ranking: 3.5% of traffic
8th Ranking: 3.1% of traffic
9th Ranking: 2.6% of traffic
10th Ranking: 2.4% of traffic

The disparity between these SERPs is shocking. It also proves that users are less likely to seek out buried content, relying instead on results that are easily accessed and easily seen.

Webstager can provide both. Our services propel sites to the front pages of all major engines and networks. Thorough tireless content creation and optimized branding we help our customers achieve the rankings they deserve.

Contact us to learn more about the importance of SERPs.

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