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google hummingbird seo company vancouver bcSEO was once a blitz of keywords and purchased affiliations, all bundled into static pages. It delivered SERPs but not content, and consumers were forced to endure an endless series of sales pitches.

Google has changed this.

Since 2011 this search behemoth has stressed the need for quality (organic) data - and, to ensure this policy reigns within its index, it’s created custom algorithms to seek out both white hat and black hat techniques. It’s changed SEO... for the better.

Consider this timeline of Google’s algorithm releases, as provided by Business 2 Community:


Google released Panda, a content-based formula that targeted low quality sites (specifically those defined by keyword stuffing, doorway pages and swapped data). These sites were stripped of their high SERPs.


Google released Penguin, a Webmaster-influenced code that sought out link schemes and purchased rankings.


Google released Hummingbird, a search query algorithm that focused on how content was presented in both sites and engine bars. It emphasized the need for natural keywords, rather than paid strings.


Google released Pigeon, a localized formula meant to index information more precisely.

Through these programs Google achieved SEO domination... and SEO transformation. The engine has systematically redefined what it means to be a marketer - and consumers have reaped the rewards.

To learn more about creating a Google-friendly strategy contact us today.

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