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seo audience targetingSEO is an oft-used phrase but a rarely understood idea. Readers assume that it’s just a collection of keywords and meta tags, with a few clever links tucked between.

It’s not.

It’s instead a complex process that requires time, patience and deliberate audience targeting.

The point of SEO is to connect sites and consumers. By targeting key readers companies can achieve online success, earning higher SERPs, stronger sales and increased brand recognition. Accomplishing this is no simple task, however. It involves:

One: Understanding Customers

Every consumer is different: defined by age, financial background, geography and more. Companies must try to reconcile these differences with their targeting strategies. Decide who will most likely buy a product, how much they’ll be willing to spend and how to best attract them. Examine demographics to launch an effective SEO campaign.

Two: Understanding Search Methods

The online world is vast, with its borders stretched across computers, tablets and smartphones. Target audiences on all three, creating SEO campaigns that offer responsive designs and adaptable language. This ensures greater accessibility and greater engine recognition.

Three: Understanding Promotion

Optimizing a website is not enough. Cross-channel promotions are instead needed for strong SEO. Create multi-faceted strategies, blending social media, local business indexes, niche networks and even video channels. Never underestimate the power of a layered campaign.

Finding the right audience with SEO is possible - but it’s also challenging. Let Webstager simplify the process. We help our clients connect with crucial demographics, and we do this through automated content and creative branding strategies.

Contact us to learn more.

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