Powerful.           Disruptive.            Engaging.

WebStager has a long history of innovation. Creating stunning web sites that resonate with local search along with extreme innovation. Being a trail blazer in organic search visability, the webstager team lead with tools and platforms that people are now just starting to adopt.  Our multi tool content automation platform powering our dealer websites OneBigBroadcast was born on the premise that content traffic is about multi layered search terms. Web traffic comes from multiple search areas all combines making up a websites traffic. OneBigBroadcast simplifies the difficult process of harnessing long tail traffic.

Mazda dealer search everywhere optimization

MAZDA Dealer Innovates Search Everywhere Optimization

WebStager created an integrated dealer platform using our OneBigBroadcast content distribution platform. The was visually stunning but preformed well in local and regional search. We not only dominated local organic search, but results appeared in major centers like Vancouver and Burnaby placing the dealership in organic search along with local dealerships. 

Stellantis Concept Site & National Dealership Content SEO

Designed for the relaunch of Alfa Romeo in the North American Market, auto giant engaged Webstager's powerful content distribution engine with it's turbo blog platforms allowing muitiple streams of original content to be curated, scheduled and delivered to muitiple dealerships from coast to coast.

Because of the distributed nature and unique characteristics of each dealership, a separate turbo bog engine was spun up to deliver unique content to each dealerships website. Each content writer created content unique to the dealerships local market while the OneBigBroadcast platform scheduled the delivery of the content simultaneouslyly to each dealership's website focusing on their unique array of search terms. 

A case study was created on the Alfa Rome dealer light up campaign here


OBBAuto Ford Dealer High Performance Websites

We've created a lot of Ford dealer websites over the years. In fact we started our journey in the auto space with Ford.  We had already proven that OneBigBroadcast could leverage SEO in the 2010 Olympics so our name was out there for another challange. Fate brought us together with a Ford dealer looking for change. We rolled up our sleaves and let our innovative spirit guide us. In 4 years their revenue jumped from $32 million to close to $100 million a year under our watch. From there we branched into Western Canada and south of the border to the US. 

US Ford dealers have a lot more vehicles than Canada. It was there that we partnered with third part finance companies taking lead value to a whole new level.

From sun prime to pre owned sales, our platform has had a lot of funwith Ford over the years.

Contact us and let us show you around. 

Luxuary Auto Dealership

Luxury Motor Car Website

Where do you go to buy or sell your Lambo, Shelby Cobra or G Wagon? There are numerous choices out there. WebStager created a stunning website design for a very large luxury auto sales and consignment website, but wrapped it on top of our powerful content marketing engine.

As a neiche market, there is always the challenge to attract a global audience. Google states that 46% of all research starts with search engines, so there is no difference here. While a lot of their traffic was word of mouth, they needed to show up in the thousands of possible key phrases in their neiche.

They needed an integrated dealer platform that only OneBigBroadcast offers that not only dominates local organic search, but results appeared in major centers like New York or Los Angeles, positioning their offering in organic search along withtheir competition. On top of that they can simultaneously connect with social accounts using a unique message generator to save time and enhance work flow.
SubPrime sites that melt with content

Sub-Prime Properties That Deliver

Not everyone wants to end up with bad credit, but sometimes life happens. Some people loose their jobs, an ugly diviorce, partners, business downturn, sometimes when you least expect it. Sub prime sales is a common part of an auto dealer's sales strategy.  Often people with bad credit don't know that they can rebuild their credit buy purchasing a vehicle they can afford and making regular payments. WebStager has integrated it's powerful content distribution platform with its sub prime platforms to integrate a solid SEO first strategy into a dealer or dealer group's sub prime strategy.

If you are interested in learning about innovative ways to connect with sub prime consumers, contact us and let's have a conversation about your goals. 

#1 performing dealer huge lift in traffic and SEO visability

#1 BC Dealer Taps Local and Regional Search Traffic

When our platform and SEO automation tools were bestowed the honour of being appointed as one of only six auto dealer website and digital marketing vendors by auto giant Stellantis, we knew we'd have to deliver since it was our innovative content distribution platform that helped seal the deal. 

One of the first clients we had the pleasure of working with was Willowbrook Chrysler in Langley, BC Canada.  Willowbrook Chrysler were competing with the local shopping mall - Willowbrook Mall but they were no where to be found in organic search.

We quickly changed that and took advantage of mall traffic to convert shoppers that may be looking to purchase a new or used vehicle. We wanted to make a difference for Willowbrook and attract traffic from a wide array of the digital space. 

We engaged 9 blog engines, each one focusing on a different niche and its own complement of key phrases.  Our platform is uniquelty designed to emply tools that target a much wider range of key words and phrases than traditional CMS platforms. It's like having a personal army of content distributors, working tirelessly to delivere your message - but our platform allows us to do it at scale. Within a year which in the SEO landscape is like a minute, the combined traffic to the blogs grew to almost one million and their overall web traffic increased almost 30%.

One Auto focuses on autotainment and auto content

OneAuto | EyesOnAuto

One Auto was spawned in a time when most auto sales portals were a sales platform with no real effort focused on content or the companies that were selling their products.  

The platform focused on a customizable community marketplace with customizable content per dealer and an array of content marketing tools and offerings to help dealers conntect with their customers and sell vehicles. 

CPO Canada Innovation and piece of mind for pre owned vehicle owners

Finally, A CPO Network That Knows & Looks Out For The Customer

CPO Canada (CPOC) is a national platform that combines a comprehensive vehicle warranty with a unique Renew & Repair program. Today's budget concious consumers are looking for ways to streach their dollars without have to take on additional dept. That's where CPO Canada's Renew and Repair Program comes in. Concumers can finance the upgrade of their vehicle to like new condition, finance the expense at managable monthly payments including the vehicle extended warranty (which covers everything and is one of the best in the in the industry. 

For Vehicle dealers and service centers, CPO Canada has a digital marketplace that is designed to enhance organic search visability in their local markets. Since we live in a digital first world, CPO Canada offers their network of dealers a laundry list of digital services (offered by WebStager / One Big Broadcast, the creators of the CPO Canada) to help them win in the digital marketplace. 
Kelowna RVs steps out of the vanilla box

An RV Experience That Builds Community And Saves Owners Work

When we were asked to create a new website for these folks, their current offering was stale. They needed a new logo and brand awareness that matched the unique qualities of their business and location. Our teams created a fresh new user experience combined with a modern inventory experience. Under the hood features our community building tools and an integrated DMS that allows RV owners to side step inventory feeds and customize their inventory offerings, melt with content, blogs, videos really enhancing their SEO footprint.